meet the delaney’s

Shawn and Rosanne are trained and certified life coaches who have survived the trials and tribulations of a messy life to create an incredibly fulfilling relationship with each other. Individually, they are driven to help men and women reconnect with their inner true self and see the power that has been hidden by life’s trials. Together, their true calling is to help men and women develop the skills needed to create powerful interpersonal relationships.

Rosanne and Shawn each brought skewed beliefs and unhealed traumas into their relationship. Shawn also brought a sex addiction into the relationship that Rosanne did not expect. The addiction almost ended the relationship many times. To pile on to the challenges that were brought into the relationship by Rosanne and Shawn, each of their four children brought their own set of challenges and struggles into the relationship.

Several years ago, Shawn and Rosanne, individually, started a journey of self discovery, self healing, and growth. At first, the relationship was set aside so that each could heal. Only after the personal healing journey was started did the healing work begin on the relationship. They have faced addiction, betrayal, neglect, emotional and mental abuse, infidelity, suicidal ideations, alternative lifestyles and many other topics that are considered taboo and uncomfortable to openly discuss.

Shawn and Rosanne’s focus is to give back and share what they have discovered with those around them. They are excited to work with others who are struggling with life, who want to find their true inner self and desire to learn how to fully connect with others around them. Relationships are messy. Relationships are hard. Relationships are real. Relationships require growth work to become all they can truly be.